The Human Design System

The Human Design System was founded by a man called ‘Ra Uru Hu,’ Robert Alan Krakower, in 1987. The system uses 2 Calculations of Planetary positions, based on astrology, to create a visual map of the energetic imprints of your Conscious Mind (Personality) and Unconscious Design (Body Vehicle). The system reveals to you what is consistent and reliable about your energy, which allows you to understand how to make decisions that you can Trust (Strategy & Inner Authority). It also shows you where you have been conditioned to try to be something that you are not (Not Self), and how awareness is the key to taking your power back from patterns that try to drive you in your life. Ultimately, Human Design guides to you Love & Accept yourself as the 100% Unique Human Being that you are, and align yourself with a Life that supports your personal dignity, and allows you to expresses your Individual Genius. (Read More About Human Design)

Scroll down to see options for your Personalized Human Design Video Reading, delivered to your Inbox.

Human Design Video Readings

  • Type, Strategy & Authority.  An Introduction to your unique decision making process.

    Intro to You

    This video reading will introduce you to the staples of your Human Design Bodygraph: Type, Strategy & Authority. Together, this information comprises your Inner Authority, or your unique decision making process. The aim of this reading is to provide you with an overview of the fundamentals and empower you to recognize the feedback that guides you to your correct path in life. $444 for approx. 90MIN Video Reading, delivered to your inbox within 11 days of purchase. [Scroll down to Order Your Reading]

  • Life Purpose as seen through the costume you wear (profile) and your Incarnation Cross

    Life Purpose

    This video reading will build upon the information from the ‘Intro to You’ reading, specifically honing in on your Profile and Incarnation Cross. Together, these two aspects of your design are packed with information about the Big Picture of your Life Purpose, including the overarching themes that will call to your consciousness, and the way that you will naturally interact with others and the world along your path of purpose. $444 for approx. 90MIN Video Reading, delivered to your inbox within 11 days of purchase. [Scroll down to Order Your Reading]

  • The Design of Love is all about composite human design charts and what they say about the dynamics of your relationship.

    Design of Love

    This video reading will look at the unique connection between you and another person. Whenever two human electromagnetic fields (auras) come together, a unique third consciousness is formed. Your composite chart will reveal the truth of relationship dynamics. As these patterns are revealed you will see your relationship in a whole new light, giving you patience, compassion and understanding to foster more unconditional love and peace in your relationship. $444 for approx. 90MIN Video Reading, delivered to your inbox within 11 days of purchase. [Scroll down to Order Your Reading]

  • Design of Eros

    This video reading will look at your unique Erotic Design: how are you most equipped to experience the energy of Love, Passion and Pleasure? The Human Design Bodygraph is comprised of Centers, Gates, Channels and Circuits, each one providing a distinct flavor of Sexual Energy. You may be more open to experiencing Eros as Sexual Caring, or Sexual Nurturing; your Sexuality may be naturally inconsistent, creating a sense of ebb and flow when it comes to sexual passion; your sexuality might be fueled by Adrenaline, or by Passionate Emotions, or even a sense of willful dominance and control. Knowing your Sexual Energy Blueprint helps you to recognize your unique sexual expression, empowering you to ask for what you need and desire. The insight you gain from this reading will also help alleviate pressure and expectations in sexual encounters, removing the need to compare or strive to be something that other than your most natural Erotic Self. $555 for approx. 90MIN, Video Reading delivered to your inbox within 11 days of purchase. [Scroll down to Order Your Reading]

  • Design of Passion (Love + Eros)

    This video reading is a combination of Design of Love + Design of Eros, and is designed for couples, lovers or potential partners to see the unique connection between you and how Attraction, Companionship, Conflict, Desire and Passion are experienced and expressed in your partnership. Peer into the dynamics at play and generate acceptance, compassion, patience and greater appreciation for the unique Design of Passion that you share! $777 for approx 2HR, Video Reading delivered to your inbox within 11 days of purchase. [Scroll down to Order Your Reading]

You Are 100% Unique

Learn the Origins & Basics of the Human Design System