Your inner state of being reflects in your outer world. Change your inner state to change your reality.

- Neville Goddard

Inner Work

(The Only Thing that Really Works)

  • Reason 1: You Want to Feel Better

    That’s why you’re here! The Good News is - you’ve discovered the only true lever of control over anything that means anything to you in your life! The caveat is that you’re gonna have to FEEL all those Feelings you’ve pushed down, numbed out to, self-medicated away, or denied into oblivion. When you feel your feelings, you heal. Fragments of your formerly disconnected self begin to mend themselves together. It is through your willingness to feel all of your feelings that you love yourself to wholeness.

  • Reason 2: You've Realized You Can't Wait for Something Outside You to Change

    Waiting just leads to more … waiting. Waiting for others to change, for love or recognition to come from outside, even if you’re waiting to FEEL BETTER about something; you’ve come to clear realization that if you keep waiting…. your Life will keep passing you by - and you won’t feel any better about it next week, or next year, than you do now!

  • Reason 3: Deep Down You Believe In Yourself

    Maybe your life hasn’t panned out exactly as you’ve hoped, or even planned, but somewhere inside of you is an inexplicable feeling that if you could just have some kind of breakthrough you could really make something beautiful of your Life! You might feel far away from your dreams and your potential, but it’s never fully left your awareness.

  • Reason 4: You're Ready to Do Whatever It Takes

    Sometimes we get here because the pain we feel has gotten to such a critical point that it requires a shift in priorities. Don’t worry - it’s NEVER too late! If you’ve had enough feeling bad, waiting for others and life to improve, and tuning out the voice inside that says you’re here to live a Really Good Life then you have arrived right on time.

What is Inner Work

Tending to your Inner World

Simply put, Inner Work means turning your attention toward tending to your Inner World - the space where your deepest thoughts, feelings, beliefs, desires and choices reside. This inner landscape is laden with richness - burried truths, gifts, dreams, capabilities - that lie dormant, ready to be excavated by your loving awareness.

Feeling What Needs to Be Felt

When your young, developing consciousness met with life experiences that felt too big to digest and process, it engaged self-protective mechanisms that effectively cut off feeling the feelings triggered by the event. The key to restoring Wholeness to your consciousness is to allow the feelings to arise, be felt, and then met with new Resources that allow the past to be digested, processed and released. The ‘story,’ or what happened is much less important than simply feeling the feelings that are coming up to be felt.

Accessing New Inner Resources

Your greatest asset is your powerful human imagination (Neville Goddard). This ability to image is essential to your ability to perceive possibilities and opportunities for you in your life. The potential for love, joy, happiness, success and fulfillment are intrinsically related to your ability to imagine and feel these things for yourself. Emotional Freedom Technique, Inner Child Dialogue and The Mirror Exercise (self-reflection and ownership of all feelings and experiences) remove emotional blocks that prevent you from believing that you deserve a really good life!

60 Minute Inner Work Sessions on Zoom

You Deserve This Kind of Focus & Attention:

We cut to the chase, no small talk.

A brief Meditation get’s you present and centered.

Emotional Freedom Technique gets you connected to what you’re really feeling.

Inner Child Dialogue makes you aware of your Needs.

The Mirror Exercise shows you where you’ve been giving your power away, and helps you reclaim it - RIGHT NOW!

We go as far and as deep as is right and good for you on any given day.

Are you worth this kind of focus 2x/Month?

$111 for 60 Minutes