Magnetic Man Initiation

Welcome to a Brand New Relationship with Your Self

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Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳

Christy Rose Muir
Elite Certified Tantric Educator, 10 years

My experience working with men has helped me to develop compassion for the specific challenges you face in the arena of love and sex. You are worthy and deserving of feeling loved, empowered and desired. May this course help you to feel greater alignment with the version of your Self that experiences fulfillment and mastery in Love.

What you’ll learn

  • Let go of outdated mental programs and unhealthy self-perception. Make new choices about your value, recognize your own gifts, claim the power of your sexual energy, and align with a brand new version of you.

  • Men and women are created equally… yet have different orientations and needs. Recognizing and allowing for complimentary differences makes room for more lightness and acceptance between men and women. Finding clarity brings refreshment to your perspective.

  • You don’t have to compromise your authenticity in order to relate with women. Learn how to show up in a way that balances the giving and receiving between you and the women you date and relate with.

Course FAQ

  • Yes! When you are single it is the perfect time to practice new skills that will elevate your future experiences beyond the habits of your past. You can heal your heart, align with new potentials, and magnetize yourself to a whole new caliber of relationship partners and lovers.

  • Of course. Any time you increase your Self-Love you improve all relationships around you. You are not responsible for the way any one else reacts to you; a partner who truly loves your authentic self will always celebrate your growth and healing - it will reveal more love between you. If you find that your growth triggers or upsets someone around you, it may be time to be a sign that it’s time for some healthy adjustments to boundaries and expectations in that relationship.

  • The Magnetic Man Initiation 2.0 is meant to be an introduction to a new level of Self-Love for you. When you love yourself, you are more able to love those around you. While this course does not teach any explicit sexual tantric skills, you will gain new awarenesses around the energy underlying your relationships, which will empower you to be more present in the moment. The present moment is where all love and pleasure occur, so anytime you become more present you allow the possibility for more love and pleasure to be present as well. To acquire more specific tantric skills of sexual pleasure take the next step and purchase the Activation Skills Video. This instructional video will teach you 4 specific, explicity, sexual tantric skills that you can use right away to enhance your sex life. Learn More!